Lessons from the Last 24 months of the Pandemic

Arguments to the effect that times of crisis herald new opportunities for collaborative creativity, innovation, and change are fairly common. Nevertheless, a pandemic such as COVID-19 has caught the world by surprise. As a result, a number of countries have been thrown into confusion and crisis mode due to this Pandemic. This study is based on an extensive analysis of the developmental response to the Pandemic over the past two years. During this time, the system has been engulfed by inadequate response to the crisis. The authors carried out a “futures exercise,” which revealed the need for further investigation to be carried out in a number of fields. These fields include but are not limited to information technologies, privacy and ethics, robotics, artificial intelligence, and biological technologies. In this study, the authors talk about opportunities that have come about as a direct result of the unfortunate Pandemic that is still going on.
COVID-19 and Ethics, Robotics, AI
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