Movies that Actually Get History: The Case and a Half of Kashmir Files: A Study in Social Blogging

Producing movies that are loosely based on real-life occurrences can be a challenging endeavour. In order to create a film that is successful, the filmmakers must find a way to strike a delicate balance between telling the story historically accurately and creating compelling drama. Authenticity and accuracy seem to be the two main elements in social history films. I have decided to conduct this exploratory qualitative study using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) in order to gain a better understanding of the essence of users on social media platforms. This study reports (1) the responses of moviegoers and critics to the subject matter and content of the film, and (2) investigates the viewers' and critics' perceptions of how discussions about the film took place in the media and the ensuing thermodynamics that were the result of those discussions. The movie in question is the Kashmir Files. Following the introduction in this essay is a presentation of thematical frameworks for analysis. The methodology section further explains the CDA technique utilised, and this entire paper critically examines the two important elements of authenticity and accuracy in this film.
Kashmir Files, Kashmiri Pandits, Pandit Refugees, Kashmir Problem, Historical movies , Agency in India
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