Income, Migration and Social Adjustment of the Tribal People in Tripura:A Case Study of the ‘Tripuri’ Tribe

The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between income, migration and social adjustment of the migrated tribal people with special reference to the ‘Tripuri’ tribe of Tripura, India, with the help of primary data collected from structured interviews using a purposive sampling technique. The study reveals that the tribal people who migrated from their native places (rural areas) to urban areas, usually suburbs, have a better economic condition and a decent standard of living. Their livelihood patterns have changed after they have migrated to the urban areas. Here, their income levels have also increased along with expenditure. They live in small houses consuming less land, than they did in their native lands. Their standard of living is much below what they have expected before their decision to migrate. They find it difficult to adjust with the local people and the surroundings. The nature of employment in urban areas is such that the doors of the organised sector do not open to them easily. They are always last to be hired and first to be fired, and they usually get ill-paid jobs and do not have opportunities for education and training. Their children do not get adequate facilities to enrol in the good schools as the cost of living in the urban areas are very high. They are struggling hard socially and culturally to adapt and adjust in the new milieu far from their lush green land.
Income, Migration, Tripuri, Tribe, Livelihood, Expenditure, Adjustment, Society, Tripura
Supplementary File(s)
Income, Migration and Social Adjustment of Tribal People in Tripura- A Case Study of ‘Tripuri’ TribeReferences
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