Role of Literary Pedagogy in Modern Education of Preschool and Primary School Children

The study examines the concept of literary pedagogy as an integral part of the educational process. The authors argue that literary pedagogy as a modern trend in human development is linked to the system of continuous education, which is implemented in formal, non-formal and informal education. A distinction should be drawn between the concepts of literary education and literary pedagogy. Literary education as a process of an individual’s incorporation into the culture by means of literature is generally provided within the framework of formal education and is based on two fundamental principles — artistic and literary-aesthetic. The authors consider literary education as an aspect of literary pedagogy. This research examines the experience of the formation and development of literary pedagogy. Particular attention is given to the issue of training specialists who would be prepared to support children’s and youth reading. Given the integrative, interdisciplinary character of the reading skill, the research presents strong evidence in favour of literary pedagogy which is developing as a branch of pedagogy and as a reaction to the fall of interest in reading. Furthermore, the study provides an overview of the literary pedagogy.
Literature, Literary Education, Literary Pedagogy, Formal, Non-formal and Informal Education
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