Measuring Spatiality in Infrastructure and Development of High School Education in Hooghly District of West Bengal, India

An increasing access and enrolment do not necessarily ensure school effectiveness or educational progress. They are, of course, other parameters of development of education, rather than being measures of standards of quality education. The present paper opts to scrutinize whether infrastructural development in schools at all ensures good educational development or not. To accomplish this, Education Infrastructural Index has been prepared through Access, Facility and Teacher Index whereas a combination of Enrollment Index and Literacy Index gave rise Educational Development Index. The study reveals that accessibility factor begets a division within rural spaces in the form of backward rural, rural and prosperous rural that manifests through the availability of the teachers and facilities. In the urban areas, wherein accessibility is not a matter of concern, facilities and teachers matter in making difference between the less developed and developed urban areas. The higher Educational Development Index at the non-rural areas indicates town- centric nature of the development of our educational system. Superimposition of the infrastructural and developmental parameters revealed that good infrastructure does not always ensure good educational achievement. In the light of these backdrops, the key purpose of this article is to measuring spatiality in infrastructure and development of high school education in Hooghly District of West Bengal, India.
Education, Education Infrastructural Index, Teacher Index, Enrolment Index, Literacy Index, Education Development Index, Quality Education, West Bengal, India
Author Biography
Shovan Ghosh
Dr. Shovan Ghosh is an Associate Professor of the Department of Geography under Diamond Harbour Women’s University. He has published 30 research articles in recognised research journals. Ha has more than 9 years of research experience and more than 10 years of under-graduate and 1 year of post-Graduate teaching experience. His area of interest in research includes Social and Cultural Issues, Geography of Education. He has already completed one minor Project funded by UGC in the field of School education and Geography.
Sanat Kumar Guchhait
Dr. Sanat Kumar Guchhait is a Professor of Department of Geography under University of Burdwan. Ha has published 40 research articles in recognised research journals. He has more than 14 years of research experience and more than 15 years of post-Graduate teaching experience. His area of interest in research includes Social and Cultural Issues, Envionmental Issues, Geography of Education and Poverty Ecology and Development. Under his guidance, eight theses have been submitted so far. Currently, he has undertaken one major Project funded by UGC in the field of Physical Geography.
Susmita Sengupta
Susmita Sengupta is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Geography of Rabindra Mahavidyalaya under the University of Burdwan. Ha has published 30 research articles in recognised research journals. She has more than 9 years of research experience and more than 10 years of under-graduate teaching experience. Her area of interest in research includes Geography and Education. She has already completed one minor Project funded by UGC in the field of School education and Geography and currently another minor UGC project is continuing.