Feminisation of Extremism as a Socio-Psychological Phenomenon

Today, religious extremism, transforming and evolving, has appeared before the world community in a new form of feminist extremism. Since the radicalisation of women affects all levels of society, from everyday life to political institutions, this problem is the most pressing at present. Therefore, this study aims to make a socio-psychological portrait of a female terrorist. The article analysed video and print interviews of six women who were convicted under the article "Terrorism". In order to fully consider this problem, media materials devoted to these women were studied. The study explored the history of feminisation of extremism, its impact on society, and methods of prevention, as well as constructed a sociological portrait of a woman influenced by extremism and indicated her motives for radicalisation. The obtained data can be used to create programmes to counter extremism and terrorism, gathering information for public lectures.
Muslim Women, Women’s Activism, Terrorism, Salafism, Feminisation of Extremism
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