Understanding the Suicidality of Working Women in Santeshivara Lingannaiah Bhyrappa’s Brink

Suicide among working women is a growing concern and a subject of research that is frequently ignored. The objective of this research is to highlight the challenges faced by employed women that drive them to contemplate suicide, as shown through the protagonist, Amrita, in Santeshivara Lingannaiah Bhyrappa’s novel Brink (2020). Characters function as a conduit connecting the observer to the narrative. This allows the audience to experience empathy for the characters. The process of creating a character is a form of artistic expression. This study aims to analyse the portrayal of Amrita’s character in the novel Brink (2020). The main character, Amrita, is a single mother with a difficult past who fights to live a self-sufficient life with her sons. This study uses Meike Bal's Construction of Image to analyse Amrita’s characterisation and transformation throughout the novel. It underlines the importance of connection and hope in moulding her into a happy, driven woman instead of a depressed and hopeless woman. The research concludes by underscoring the importance of literature delving into sensitive topics to raise awareness and stimulate dialogue.
Women’s Suicide, Working Women, Literary Character, Suicide Ideation, Construction of Image, Transformation
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