COVID-19 & Quarantine Measures: A Comparison between India & Russia

The Governments of the different countries are taking a wide range of measures in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. For assessing the rigour of quarantine measures, the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford has launched the world`'s first COVID-19 government response tracker—the Oxford Coronavirus Government Response Tracker – OxCGRT). This tool aims to track and compare policy responses of governments around the world, rigorously and consistently. According to the COVID-19 Government Response Stringency Index (GRSI) the strictest measures are in India (97.37 points) and less stringent ones are in the Russian Federation (63.89 points). The study compares restrictive measures in India and Russia, analyses their impact on the spread of COVID-19; and estimates mortality rates. Besides, the study also probes population coverage aimed at diagnosing through the use of testing methods and possible economic consequences of quarantine measures.
Quarantine in India, Quarantine in Russia, COVID-19 Pandemic Growth, Population Coverage by Testing for COVID-19
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