Sociological Analysis of Educational Strategies in the System of Higher Education in Kazakhstan

The purpose of this study is to identify the educational strategies in higher education based on an analysis of students’ motives. The sociological study was conducted using a complex of quantitative and qualitative methods employing a questionnaire survey participated by students, graduate and doctoral students of national and state universities of Kazakhstan. The in-depth interviews were attended only by graduate and doctoral students.
The findings unravelled that the leading motive for education was the desire of students to obtain a diploma. The acquisition of a formal university graduation certificate is important in the opinion of students. However, neither the content or qualifications nor the mastery of the future speciality, which they are going to acquire in the course of study, are not significant motives for the young generation. In the view of modern Kazakhstan youth, to be an educated person means to offer oneself in the labour market profitably.
The existence of a link between the requirements for the future profession and goals in the higher education system was also confirmed in the course of study. The results obtained in the course of research make it possible to head over to a new level of substantiation of educational strategies and create prerequisites for the improvement of the efficiency of the educatory process.
student motivation, educational strategies, higher education, professional development, sociological analysis, Kazakhstan
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