Using the Biological Feedback Method in Speech Therapy for the Formation of Speech Breathing in Preschool Children with Erased Dysarthria

The article discusses the problem of the formation of speech breathing in preschool children with an erased form of dysarthria using the biological feedback method. In children suffering from speech impairment, the work of the respiratory system is not normal. Disorders of prosody supplement violations of the sound-producing side of speech. As a result, in children, including the ones with dysarthria, speech becomes unclear and slurred. The theoretical part of the study considers the specificity of the prosodic side of speech in children with an erased form of dysarthria from the point of view of various researchers. The problem of dependence between the prosodic side of speech and the severity of a speech defect is considered. The practical part of the study reveals the content of the organisation of the empirical study on the formation of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing using a hardware-diagnostic complex “BF” (Biological Feedback). It has been established that the biological feedback method contributes to the formation of diaphragmatic-relaxation breathing in preschool children with an erased form of dysarthria. In pre-schoolers, suffering from erased dysarthria and having a history of attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome, the process of formation of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing becomes more complicated.
Erased Dysarthria, Prosodic Side of Speech, Speech Breathing, Diaphragmatic Relaxation Breathing, Biological Feedback Method, Preschool Children
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