Critical Thinking in the Digital Age: Strategies of Human Resource Management

The research introduces a strategy of utilising critical thinking (CT) as an instrument of developing professional skills set in the digital age. The research aims to evaluate the potential of CT in human resources management (HRM). It has been established that the strategy of CT offers a way of intellectual improvement within the framework of professional communication. Therefore, a systematic fostering of CT allows for successful integration of affective and cognitive aspects of communication in the context of HRM.
Conversely, this research has identified the potential of the offered strategy in change- and risk management. The CT strategy has proved itself to be an effective way of professional decision-making in key cognitive aspects as well as in effective ones (intellectual courage, perseverance, confident reasoning, independent thinking in tandem with overcoming egocentrism and sociocentrism). Based on the results of the empirical research within the modern digital environment, the long-term efficiency of the offered strategy has been substantiated; the researchers have outlined the potential ways of implementing the results of the study, as well as strategy’s growth point.
Management; Human Resource; Digital Generation; Critical Thinking; Strategies of Critical Thinking; Affective Strategies; Cognitive Strategies; Potential
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