Examining the Feasibility of Tea Futures in India

The commodity derivative market in India has gained an important place in the last few decades. However, the entry of ‘tea futures’ in the derivative market is yet to come. Tea is a substitute for coffee and has a good market worldwide. India’s contribution to world production of tea is significant, but the presence of tea futures in Indian derivative market is yet to be seen whereas coffee, being a similar commodity, has a good place in the derivatives market. This study makes an attempt to examine the feasibility of tea futures in India by studying two leading conditions for tea in comparison with coffee. The study examines the market conditions by studying the export potentiality that signifies the demand and supply; and price volatility of tea price. The observations and analysis find favourable grounds for the introduction of tea futures in the commodity derivative market to extend the benefits to various groups like tea growers and manufacturers.
Tea, Coffee, Commodity Derivatives, India
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