Analysing the Efficiency of Managing the Rural Social Infrastructure in the Region

The article aims to summarise theoretical conclusions and practical results of studying the activities of local bodies on managing the development of rural social infrastructure in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the article, the objective and subjective indicators characterising the efficiency of managing the rural social infrastructure in rural areas of the Mangystau Region for 2013 – 2017 have been analysed. Through the example of a statistical study of the dynamics of the social infrastructure elements and living standards, the features and problems related to the administrative measures that regulate the socio-economic development of auls in the region have been identified. Using the questionnaire survey, the satisfaction of rural residents in the Mangystau Region with the quality of their social infrastructure has been determined. It has been proved that now the subjective assessment of the efficiency of managing the rural social infrastructure is positively correlated (correlated) with the degree of efforts taken by the local administration to improve the quality of rural life. Currently, rural settlements of the Mangystau Region have an average level of social infrastructure development. However, in different areas, the level of residents’ satisfaction with it varies from very low to sufficient.
social infrastructure, management, rural areas, population, Mangystau Region, region, life quality, study, efficiency
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