Understanding Proximate Factors Associated With Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence by Men In India

At a time when there is a severe dearth of men centric versions of intimate partner violence and the perpetuation of the same by men shows anomalous surge around the world, it is essential to investigate the predictive factors of the same with its intricacies from perpetrators perspectives too. Understanding the factors instrumental in making perpetrators of violence, especially when violence on women is the demonstration of men's failure to appreciate the inherent poise and parity of women, can enable us to have policy interventions to involve men as a part of solution in our efforts towards combating all forms of violence, resulted from aggressive masculinity with gender stereotypes, which sanctions use of violence as well as a sense of entitlement over women.
This study attempts to encapsulate the links between IPV perpetration and perpetrators' attitude towards gender equality, childhood gender inequity & violence experiences and explores the associations between education, age, occupation and income of perpetrators on IPV. A quantitative research design was followed in this study where 1600 men from four different districts, having different gender equality and development indices, within Gujarat, India were selected by proportionate random sampling.
The results of this study vividly demonstrate the ubiquity of IPV, a petrifying crime pervasive around the world. It also underlines how strong and deeply rooted patriarchal attitudes internalised within men are intricately linked to their inclination towards IPV. Childhood gender inequity, as well as violence experiences of men, is also emerged as a set of proximate factors found to be significantly correlated with their propensity to be violent towards women. This study immensely contributes towards policy recommendations which will help generations to disapprove of violence on women and grow up with gender equity attitudes.
India, Intimate Partner Violence, Men, childhood gender inequity experience, childhood violence experience
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