Governance of Cross-Border Migration in Asia

An inter-ethnic migration issue has arisen due to contradictory tendencies. The relevance of the topic lies in the study and analysis of tendencies in terms of the movement of the workforce in Southeast Asia. In several Asian countries where there is a labour surplus, the migration has become one of the largest sources of income. This study examines the basic tendencies of the labour movement in the countries of Southeast Asia. The statistical data as regards the number of labour migrations for 2015–2017 have been analysed; alongside the drivers of labour migration have been identified. The main reasons for the migration are labour productivity, differences in revenues, rapidly growing number of young workers, the ageing population in other countries, reduced transport and communication costs in East and Southeast Asia. All these indicators undoubtedly have made a significant contribution to the development of migration processes. There are signs, which continually demonstrate that dependence on foreign labour has become a specific feature of some of the rich countries in the East and Southeast Asia.
Global Economic Growth; Transnational Social Space; Inter-ethnic migration; Global Migration Issues; Migration Policy; Migration Potential
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