New Methods for the Implementation of Joint Investment and Innovation Projects in Developed and Developing Countries: Experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation

The primary purpose of the research is to develop new scientific approaches to the implementation of joint innovation and investment projects in the framework of cooperation between developing countries on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The methodology of the study included the use of a system of methods: the analytical and induction methods, hypothesis and the synthesis method. As part of the analytical and induction methods, the general theory of investment projects implemented by business entities of two or more countries was investigated. When considering the theory of investment and innovation projects, the following aspects were studied: basic fundamental attributes of project implementation; modelling of investment and innovation projects; modelling of the development of cross-country investment and innovation projects with the participation of two or more countries; factors influencing the effectiveness of cross-country investment and innovation projects. The study focused on the impact of investment and innovation projects on the economic growth of developing countries. Based on the results obtained using the analytical method, the general problems of intensification of investment projects were developed. Based on the identified problems, the method of hypothesis formulation was applied, which allowed formulating postulates on the application of several new methods of integration and economic cooperation of the states. The findings of the research allow in developing a new economic policy of cooperation of developing and, in some aspects, developed countries and applying it in practice in the conditions of increasing global competition.
Project, Investment, Innovation, Economic System, Globalisation, Economic Cooperation, Industry
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