The Use of Stable Expressions in Modern Economic Discourse as an Emotional Increase in the Potential Impact on Purchasing Power

This study is an attempt to analyse economic discourse metaphors and stable expressions. Significant attention is paid to metaphor creative potential in the field of terms formation as well as representation of certain aspects of economic reality events. Some rhetoric models are especially studied from the point of view of their rhetoric impact on the potential audience. The market of goods and services began to develop rapidly in the modern consumer society, and as a result, the corpus of language tools began to expand to attract the attention of potential recipients of goods and services. Economics and linguistics are two spheres of science that are united by humans – acting and thinking/ speaking. Modern consumer society requires members of society equipped with economic knowledge that facilitate the process of acquiring something. Today, advertising with economic terminology is becoming more diverse, and it can be targeted at professionals and the broadest segments of the population. Recently, not only linguistic but also paralinguistic levels of advertising discourse realisation have become more and more relevant. The authors consider the phenomenon of linguistic metaphors in economic advertising discourse. The complexity of understanding the material is due to the use of linguistic and cultural stereotypes of the local type. The authors propose to pay attention to the fact of using metaphors of a language culture to attract potential consumers of economic services and create an image of an attractive product of economic discourse in one of the primary mechanisms for managing economic interests in the consumer society. Hence, there is a need to study economic terminology and its functioning in modern economic discourse. This study considers the metaphors of economic discourse as a manifestation of his interdiscursive nature. We analyse the compatibility of economic metaphors with national and cultural symbols and possibilities to influence the audience.
economic discourse, term creative potential, stable expressions, metaphoric character, evaluativity, rhetoric impact
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