Six Thinking Hats: An Analysis of the Skill Level of Jordanian Vocational Education Teachers and the Extent of Skill Application

The study aims at identifying the level of the practising Six Thinking Hats strategy by vocational teachers in Jordan. Further, it aims to examine the relationship between the skill level and the extent to which this skill is used from the students’ point of view. To achieve these objectives, two questionnaires were used, each of which consists of 24 items, four items in each thinking-style category. The 2017-2018 study sample involves four hundred random teachers and students from schools of the North, Central and South regions of Jordan. The study found that vocational education teachers possess very high skills of using the Six Thinking Hats framework and practice them inside the classroom.
Moreover, results revealed that there is no difference in the level of possession of this skill between teachers of a different gender. Students did not notice any difference in the way teachers of different genders used this skill in practice. The findings suggest implementing workshops and training courses for teachers to minimise black hat thinking and improve the yellow hat and blue hat thinking skills.
vocational education, Six Thinking Hats, thinking abilities, gender variable, intellectual growth
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