The Situation of Food Security in Kazakhstan

The research aims to explore the current the food security situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To accomplish this objective, the research examines some of the critical theoretical and practical aspects of food security in the nation. The findings reveal that when compared with other nations, in the period under analysis the food security level in Kazakhstan has increased reaching the world level. However, there remain many unresolved issues which are impeding progress. As part of the study, the authors conducted a survey by questionnaire designed to explore some of the key consumer motives and preferences underlying the choice of domestic or imported food products; assess the economic accessibility of food in a climate of rising prices and people’s declining purchasing power; to examinewhether, as a result of the economic crisis (2015-2016), most people in Kazakhstan have opted for running a private subsidiary plot or for stocking up on food. The authors propose a model of the organisational structure underlying the process of implementation of Kazakhstan’s strategy for boosting the competitiveness of the nation’s agriculture and ensuring its food security.
Food Security, Food Security Index, Affordability of Food Products, Quality and Safety of Food Products, Kazakasthan
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