Seven Aspects of the Great Steppe in the Modern Kazakh Prose – the National Conception of Eternal Nation and Art Discourse

This research aims to identify the role and place of the ideological concepts of the “Eternal Nation” and “The Great Steppe” in Kazakh literature.
For this, it uses methods of stylistic analysis of literary works from the perspective of identifying communication symbols in prose. Additional research methods are the method of historical analysis of the ideological concepts formation and a cross-disciplinary approach to the interpretation of the content of works.
The reasons for the strong influence of these concepts on the culture of modern Kazakhstan are justified. A symbol code is discovered through which writers reflected the state of public life in Kazakhstan.
The research is one of the first attempts to review and analyse the stories of Kazakh literature published in the 21st century. The stories are specially classified in the thematic and content context, the scientific conclusions for the artistic world of the works, language and style features of the works are presented, whereby the authors of the study set a precedent for systematising disparate knowledge of modern Kazakh literature.
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