Study of Literary Images of Gifted Characters In Optional Activities As a Means to Develop Capable and Talented Youth

The studies of the life and work of the writers of the second half of the 19th Century, such as N.S. Leskov and F.M. Dostoevsky allow considering the problem of giftedness in the literary aspect. The authors of the article identify the characters’ inborn, professional and acquired giftedness in the reviewed literary works, and consider features of the images of the gifted characters. The practical significance of the study is in providing teachers with methods of work during elective classes on studying the problem of giftedness. The results of the authors’ experimental work prove that this form of studies contributes to the development of schoolchildren’s interest in literature, and stimulates their research activities.
Giftedness, Types of Giftedness, Classical Literature, Elective Classes, Literary Talent
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