Drinking Water in Guwahati City: Its Past, Present Status and Associated Problems

Guwahati is one of the fastest growing cities of Northeast India. The haphazard growth of the city has resulted in a chaotic situation, giving rise to circumstances not favourable to its residents in many aspects. Amongst these, drinking water is the most crucial problem confronting the resi-dents. In this paper, an attempt has been made to assess the availability of drinking water over a period of time in the city. In addition, it also attempts to understand the challenges of drinking wa-ter availability at present. Apart from consultation of secondary sources like archival data, local municipality body, primary data has been collected from three selected municipality wards based on their core, periphery and midpoint locations among the 60 wards of the city.Keywords
drinking water, availability, Guwahati, Assam
Author Biography
Prasanta Bhattacharya
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography
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