Formation of Innovative Strategies of Regional Economic Development

The new contours of innovative development of economic systems associated with the appearance of network models of innovation and new types of innovation: social, sustainable, user and inclusive, differ from the traditional approach to the functioning of the raw material model of the economy. The role and place of innovation infrastructure of economic systems in the development of national innovation systems remains paramount. In this research, the essence of the definition of "innovation infrastructure" in relation to economic systems is supplemented and expanded. In doing so, it specifies the factors providing the formation of the infrastructure of innovative activity of the economic systems which have an impact on the innovativeness of elements of economic systems at the micro-, meso- and macro level. The subject-object structure of information infrastructure of innovative activity of economic systems including business environment, innovative environment, information environment and communication environment is proposed. In addition, it also proposes the model of development of infrastructure of innovative activity focused on technological innovations on the basis of implementation of technological platforms. The worked out model of development of technological infrastructure of innovative activity of the economic system (macro level) contains the directions of transformation of the meso- and micro level where a special role is assigned to the creation of free economic zones which contribute to the development of new forms of interaction of the R&D sector with the real sector of the economy, which will increase the susceptibility of the economic system of Russia and society as a whole to innovation and lead to the development of technological entrepreneurship and the formation of an innovative economy of a new type.
Development, Innovation, Structure, Enterprise, Economy, Russia
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