Role of Sensual Image in Scientific Generalisation

The method of generalisation widely used in scientific research is a variant of the similar logical method. Generalisation in different scientific areas has its own specifics, but in fundamental knowledge, it allows to create general concepts. We explore generalisation in scientific knowledge, focusing on the peculiarities of the formation of general concepts and the role of sensory image in their functioning in scientific theory and the retranslation of scientific knowledge. Scientific, philosophical, religious, literary texts were studied and compared to determine the essence and characteristic features of the generalisation method. Subsequently, the information extracted from these texts was systematised using the methods of similarity and difference. The resulting material based on analogy served as the basis for the conclusion. The method of concomitant variations turned out to be necessary for establishing the dependence of scientific results on changes in research conditions, which was done on the example of the evolution of generalising images in the field of atomic physics. During generalisation, it is necessary to search for a successful image of a general concept, which is important for understanding its meaning. The image obtained as a result of generalisation of scientific knowledge is an essential semantic unit of a scientific retranslation. General concepts contain generalised images of classes of objects and thus configure the scientific picture of the world. They perform not only a representative but a communicative function in the process of reproducing of scientific knowledge both within science and in society. While scientific knowledge becomes more and more abstract, a sensual image makes it possible to detect relationships that are not accessible to a rational level of knowledge. It also facilitates the transferring of knowledge in learning.
Generalisation, Science, Representation, Image, General Concept, A Retranslation of Scientific Knowledge
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