Translating the Untranslatable: Challenges, Sticking Points and Struggles

The existence of any nation depends on worldwide communication. In the era of globalisation, translation practices have become even more essential. In the context of communication, cultural translation has always been necessary but little is known as to how untranslatable can be made translatable. From this perspective, this research is a timely addition to the science of translation. Translation demand increases from year to year and so is demand for a general review of papers regarding the role and place of untranslatables in translation. This research aims to present a comparative analysis of Kazakhstani writings and their Russian and English translations. Results show that transliteration is the primary way to translate general ethnographic realia into Russian. The second translation method that is often used is the equivalent translation (using words with meanings that are similar to the meanings of the original words). Additionally, translators may create a calque or new words and phrases. Results obtained can be useful when searching for the most suitable translation options.
Translation; Culturally Bound Items; Ethnic-Specific Culture; Cultural Linguistics; Literary Translation; Context; Translation Difficulties; Lexical Gap.
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