Socio-Cultural Adaptation of Repatriates of East Kazakhstan and Migration Attitudes of the Kazakhs of Mongolia

The article is devoted to the issues of socio-cultural adaptation of repatriates on the territory of East Kazakhstan and the analysis of the migration attitudes of the Kazakhs of Mongolia. Since Kazakhstan gained independence on 16 December 1991, the state has been implementing a state program on the return of ethnic Kazakhs to the country; this practice has spread in many states. The repatriation of ethnic Kazakhs to their historic homeland allows solving many socio-economic, demographic problems. At the same time, relocation to a historic homeland causes a new set of problems related to the adaptation of repatriates, their employment, interaction with the local population, search and self-awareness. Integration processes and strategic social programs of Kazakhstan have become the motivation for the formation of the migration interests of ethnic Kazakhs living abroad.
Repatriates, Migration, Ethnic Kazakhs, East Kazakhstan, Mongolia
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