Censorship, or the Wisdom of the Simian Trinity

Since early civilisation, mankind has revealed the dual tendency, after acquiring the myriad skills of articulation, to control, repress, edit in subjective and objective terms, that which is naturally expressed by the human mind and body in the varied contexts of myth, history and contemporary, socio-political consciousness. This urge has been simultaneously complemented by that of recording, composing and theorising the paradoxes of censorship through art, literature, philosophy and other pulses of meditation in cultures stretching across the world from the Orient to the Occident, with the implicit hope of counterpointing the gravitational pulls of mutability in mankind’s natural striving to ascend to the infinite beyond.
Civilisation, memory, freedom, censor, repress, intolerance, arête, humanism, transgression, mystic
The Upanishads
Homer, The Iliad (760 BC)
The Book of Job, The Tanakh (Hebrew Bible)
Gautama Buddha, The Dhammapada (6th cent BC?)
Heraclitus, Fragments (late 6th cent BC? )
Confucius, Code of Conduct (6th cent BC ?)
Aeschylus ,The Oresteia (458 BC)
Seneca, Ten Tragedies (20 AD; 1581)
Everyman (1510), (Anonymous author)
Machiavelli, The Prince (1532)