Trends and Prospects in Development of the Russian Energy Organisations Selling Electrical Energy

The paper contains the objectives, tasks, and directions for the reform of the electrical energy industry in the Russian Federation as well as the negative aspects of the reform. The authors underline the relevance of the development of the methodological, economic-mathematical and information tools for assessment and an increase in the efficiency of the energy organisations selling electrical energy. They suggest using the statistical and rank analysis for the assessment of the performance indicators of the last resort energy suppliers, including the profit margin. Based on the obtained results of the analysis, the authors described the trends of the last resort suppliers' functioning that take an adverse effect on market relations in the electrical energy industry. They recommend the approaches that allow changing the established work system of the organisations selling electrical energy through the activation of the state regulation and the change in the approaches towards the formation of the range of additional services aimed at the support and development of the activities for the increase in the energy efficiency.
Rank Analysis, Net Profit Margin, Last Resort Supplier, Cenosis, Closed System, Energy Efficiency.
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