State Model of Interconfessional Tolerance in Modern Multiethnic Societies

The focal point of the article is to examine a way for peaceful coexistence and meaningful dialogue of various ethnicities in the context of Kazakhstan's multiethnic society. There is much evidence that to achieve the goal; it is necessary to establish and justify the principles based on which it is possible to harmonise interfaith relations in the conditions of Kazakhstan state.
The primary concern of the paper is the study of various models of state-confessional relations, and on this basis to formulate recommendations for improving the state model of interconfessional tolerance in modern, multiethnic societies.
The most significant discovery of the research is the idea that the state model of interconfessional tolerance in modern, multiethnic societies emerges from minimising or neutralising the causes that promote the manifestations of intolerant relations. Another important finding is the assumption that it is critical to acknowledge the need to preserve the national, cultural, ethnic, and religious identity in the process of introducing freedom of conscience and religion. The result of the study indicates that it is necessary to introduce legal norms that affirm the real equality of the rights of different faiths in order to overcome the distortions in the assessments of certain faiths and to stimulate the dialogue between the conflicting parties in the religious sphere. No less important is the increased responsibility for the selection of materials regarding the religious sphere in media, as well as, the development of objective assessments of interfaith tolerance.
Tolerance, Confessions, State-confessional relations, Interconfessional Relations, Kazakhstan
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