Kazakhstan Realities in the Perception of Representatives of American Ethnolinguoculture

The purpose of the article is to describe the axiological characteristics of the realities of modern Kazakhstan society and the ethnic character in the perception of representatives of American ethnolinguoculture by using experimental data. Based on the analysis and description of associates obtained as a result of the associative experiment and sociocultural questionnaire survey, conclusions were drawn about the national-cultural markedness of a linguistic sign. The use of the method of the free-associative test helped to obtain objective and subjective characteristics for each stimulus word. The analysis of associates of American informants determined the novelty of the approach to the problem of intercultural communication in multicultural Kazakhstan society. The generalisation and analysis of associates and answers to questions on the sociocultural topic made it possible to construct a conceptual structure of the image of Kazakhstan and its realities in the consciousness of a linguistic personality of another culture. Also, in the article, an attempt was made to conduct a sociocultural questionnaire survey as an alternative research method. The answers and comments of respondents made it possible to comprehend and describe the respondents’ attitudes and opinion on the national-cultural values of the Kazakh people, to determine a range of discussion problems in different worldviews and to counter sociocultural realities in intercultural communication.
Intercultural Communication, Associative Experiment, Ethnolinguoculture, Linguistic Consciousness, Ethnodescriptors, Kazakhstan
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