Tendencies in Women's Painting in Kazakhstan in the Context of Self-Identification

This paper examines the phenomenon of women's pictorial art in Kazakhstan of the XX century. The analysis of the works by many authors (Maria Lizogub, Zeinep Tusipova, Almagul Ikhanova, Anzhelika Akilbekova) allows researchers to describe the specific nature of Kazakh women's painting. Analysing the personality of artists, their creative path, the authors reveal the style of the works and its importance for the development of particular art areas. Female artists overcame the barriers of social inequality declaring themselves as the leading representatives in the art and culture of Kazakhstan. At the same time, making an accent on the woman's substantial spiritual potential, they comprehended her as a keeper of hearth and home and the patriarchal way of life. This duality consists in the identification processes when the representation of female interacted with ethnic and cultural self-determination.
Women's Painting, Arts and Crafts, National Traditions, Ethnocultural Identification, Gender Aspects, The Socio-Cultural Situation, Kazakhstan
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