Merging and Simplification of Labour Legislation through Codes: The Process Needs to Draw Insights through Qualitative Research Initiatives

It may be difficult for the small and medium enterprises to deal with a large number of labour legislation but it is not adequately known as to what extent that affects large organisations, including MNCs. The multiplicity of labour legislation and overlapping of different legal provisions may create bottlenecks for both, the smooth industrial operations and harmonious relationship between the employers and employees. Also, it is predictable that merging of multiple labour laws into four codes may improve operational efficiency and relations in the industries across sectors. However, how far such codification will correlate with issues like jobless growth, employment generation, reviving manufacturing, contract labour conundrum, the creation of more salaried jobs etc.? There is very little empirical evidence or acceptable rationale to answer this question. Every major problem or issue in society and industry may not be resolved only through political and judiciary interventions. It requires insights through multidisciplinary studies, not primarily through analytics but with the help of grounded theory, ethnography, phenomenological study etc. If our efforts, especially initiatives for the codification of laws, fail to make the entire process inclusive, we may later experience disintegrative and adverse outcomes. This article aims to initiate a thought process to understand if qualitative research can substantially contribute to the process.
Central Labour Legislation, State Labour Legislation, Multiple and Overlapping Legal Provisions, Codification of Laws, 4-codes, Qualitative Research, Grounded Theory, Ethnography, Phenomenological Study, India
Author Biography
Caral D'Cunha
Assistant Professor-HR
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