“Silk Road Travelers”: China or the USA?

This article aims to provide a historical ground for future research on geopolitical and economic transformations in Asia. It is devoted to the current situation around two Central Asian megaprojects: The U.S.'s "New Silk Road" and China's "One Belt One Road" (OBOR). Authors compare perspectives of these two initiatives and their impact on the economy and political landscape in Asia to evaluate the future of the region. Considering strategies of both countries, the authors conclude that "New Silk Road" is unable to compete with OBOR in Central Asia and, in fact, the U.S. had to concede the region to China. Even the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that was considered overweight for OBOR has failed after Donald Trump's arrival to power. The current situation is favoured for China, and the only issue left for future discussions is whether Beijing possesses enough resources to do the projects in both Central and South Asia.
Central Asia, Silk Road, OBOR project, United States, China, TPP, Obama Administration, Trump Administration
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