An Inter-District Efficiency Measurement of RCH Program Using Data Envelopment Analysis in Madhya Pradesh, India

Reproductive Child Health (RCH) programme is one of the most important programmes for reproductive women and child health development in India and Madhya Pradesh, the Empowered Action Group (EAG) is one of them. Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, this study calculates and analyses the technical efficiency of RCH programme in Madhya Pradesh. The main objective was to assess the degree of efficiency of RCH programme in the districts of Madhya Pradesh and to recommend performance targets for those districts, which come under inefficient technical inefficiency.
The findings show that 64.45 per cent of the districts of the state are technically inefficient and scale inefficient; and used more resources that they actually did not need. The results broadly pointed out to grave inefficiency in the RCH at district level and that significant amounts of resources could be saved if measures were put to curb the wastage.
RCH program; DEA analysis; Efficiency; Madhya Pradesh, EAG states of India
Author Biography
Kalyan Sundar Som
Father`s name : Ashok Som
Date of birth : 19th March 1991
Category : General
Sex : Male
Marital status : Unmarried
Nationality : Indian
Present Address : Room No. 33, Raman Hostel University Campus,
Dr. H. S. Gour Central University, Sagar, M.P. 470003
Permanent Address : Village- Uchitpur Post- Sanktia
District- Burdwan (West Bengal), 713408
Contact No. : 918251828390
E- Mail :
Language : English, Bengali, Hindi
Board/ University
Grade/ Div. (%)
WB Board of Secondary Education
Both Sc. & Social Sc. subjects
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Geography, Philosophy, Sanskrit, Economics
The University of Burdwan (WB)
Geography(Honours), Pol. Science, Economics
Dr. H. S. Gour Central University, Sagar
High First Class
Dec. 2012
Dec. 2013
Earth Science
AIR 51th Rank
June 2014
Population Studies
June 2015
- First position in the University
- Merit cum Means Scholarship by West Bengal Government from 2009 to 2011.
- Departmental Research Fellowship.
- Awarded Junior Research Fellowship by UGC, 2014
- Awarded Junior Research Fellowship by CSIR-UGC, 2014
- Awarded Senior Research Fellowship by UGC, 2016.
- First Prize for Paper presentation in National Seminar Chhindwara (M.P.).
Digital Mapping and Remote Sensing
Statistical Software
Demographical Software
Arc GIS, 10.1
SPSS 16.0
Spectrum 5.0
Erdas Imagine, 2013
R-Statistical package
Map Info
- Research Paper entitled “Education, Religion, Development and Regional Patterns of Fertility in West Bengal†is Published in the research journal “Indian Journal of Spatial Science†on ISSN: 2249 - 3921, Vol. 08, No. 1, March, 2017.
- Research Paper entitled “Trends, Pattern and Determinants of Infant Mortality Rate in Odisha, India†is Published in the research journal “Annals†on. ISSN: 0970-972X, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, December, 2016.
- Research Paper entitled “Fertility and RCH status in Madhya Pradesh: A District Level Analysis†is Published in the research journal “Transactions†on ISSN: 0970-972X, Vol. 38, No. 2, December, 2016.
- Research Paper entitled “Trends, Pattern and Determinants of Infant Mortality Rate in Madhya Pradesh†communicated “Population Geographer†on ISSN:0256-5331, Vol. 38 No. 2 Dec. 2016.
- Research Paper entitled “Regional Disparity in Level of Development in West Bengal†is published in the research journal “The Deccan Geographer†ISSN: 0011-7269, Vol. 54, No.-1, June 2016.
- Research Paper entitled “Reproductive and Child Health Status in EAG state: A district level Analysis†is published in the research journal “National Geographical Journal of India, (NGJI-BHU)†ISSN: 0027-9374, Vol. 62, No.-2, June 2016.
- Research Paper entitled “Population Projection and Future Requirements for India and Madhya Pradesh: Vision 2050†is published in the research journal “Geographical Review of India†ISSN: 0375-6386, Vol. 78, No. 1, March, 2016.
- Research Paper entitled “The reality of food scarcity in Madhya Pradesh: is it a glimpse or not†is Published in the research journal “The Geographer†ISSN: 0072-0909, Vol. 62, No.-2, July 2015.
- Research Paper entitled “BIMARU states: Need a rethinking†is Published in the research journal “IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science†e- ISSN: 2279-0837 & P-ISSN: 2279-0845, Vol. 19, Issue 7, July 2014.
- Research Paper entitled “Literacy and Their Differential in West Bengal†is published in the research journal “International Journal of Science and Research†ISSN: 2319-7064, Vol. 3, Issue 6, June 2014.
- Research Paper entitled “Gender Imbalance: Trends, Pattern and its Impact on West Bengal†is published in the research journal “International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications†ISSN: 2250-3153, Vol. 4, Issue 7, July 2014.
- Research Paper entitled “Knowledge, Adoption of Contraceptive and Fertility: An Analysis Based on Social Accountability†is published in the research journal “European Academic Research†ISSN: 2286-4822, Vol. II, Issue 8, November 2014.
- Research Paper entitled “Public Health Scenario and Development in Madhya Pradesh†communicated “Eastern Geographer†on. 2016.
- Research Paper entitled “Religion and Regions of Fertility in India: A study from Indian Census, 2011†communicated “Geographical Review of India†on Jan. 2017.
- Research Paper entitled “Food and Nutritional Availability in Rural Areas of Sagar District†communicated “Madhya Bharati†on Feb. 2017.
- Research Paper entitled “Education, Religion and Regions of Fertility in Madhya Pradesh: A study from Indian Census, 2011†communicated “The Deccan Geographer†on Feb. 2017.
- Research Paper entitled “Education and Cast Impact on Fertility of India: A study from Indian Census, 2011†communicated “European Journal of Geography†on Apr. 2017.
- Research Paper entitled “Implication of Age-Sex Structure and Future Requirements for SAARC Countries: Vision 2050†communicated “Asian Geographer†on May. 2017.
- Short Course on “Digital Mapping & Geographical Information System†conducted by NATMO (Government of India) at Research, Development and Training Division in Kolkata from 01/09/2014 to 26/09/2014.
- 13th Satellite Based Distance Learning Program on "Basics of Remote Sensing, GIS & GNSS" conducted by ISRO (Government of India) from August to November 14, 2014.
- Winter School on “Statistical Data Analysis Methods†conducted by Indian Statistical Institute (Government of India) from February 16-20, 2015.
- 14th IIRS outreach programme on “Application of remote sensing and geographical information system for natural resources†conducted by ISRO (Government of India) from 27th January to March 27, 2015.
- Training on “Bhuvan Overview†conducted by National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad (Government of India) from August 24-25, 2015.
- National level training on “Geospatial Technologies and its Application†conducted by KSCST (Supported by NRDMS Division, Government of India) from 21 September to October 09, 2015.
- The international training workshop on “Big Data for Science and Sustainability in Developing Countries†conducted by ICSU-CODATA Task Group from 17 march to 19 march, 2017, Hyderabad, India.
- Presented a research Paper entitled “Spatial Pattern of Literacy and their Differentials in Madhya Pradesh, India†in the National Seminar and National Geography Youth Summit (Bangalore, 9-11 June 2014).
- Presented a research Paper entitled “Health and Well-Being of Mother and Children Based on Birth Spacing Analysis†in the 36th Indian Geographers’ Meet and International Seminar (Gauhati University, 25-28 February 2015).
- Presented a research Paper entitled “Mortality Profile of Bihar: A Comparison with India, 1981-2011†in the National Seminar on Dynamics of Population and Development (Department of Geography, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya University, Gorakhpur (U.P.), 28th & 1 March, 2015).
- Presented a research Paper entitled “Social Aspects of Population Age-Sex Structure: A Geographical study of Bundelkhand, Madhya Pradesh†in the 10th DGSI International Geography Conference (MLSU, Udaipur, 17-19 October 2015).
- Presented a research Paper entitled “Transforming of Tribal Agricultural and Poverty Reduction in Mandla District, Madhya Pradesh†in the 10th DGSI International Geography Conference (MLSU, Udaipur, 17-19 October 2015).
- Presented a research Paper entitled “Trend, Pattern and Determinants of Infant Mortality Rate of Odisha, India†in the 5th NAGI International Geography Conference (Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, 05-07 February 2016).
- Presented a research Paper entitled “Female Educational Status of Madhya Pradesh†in the National Seminar on “Horizons of Tribal Development†Organized by Department of Anthropology, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, 29th -30th March 2016.
- Presented a research Paper entitled “Scenario of Reproductive and Child Health Status in BIMARU States†in the International Conference (Delhi University, Delhi, 01-02 February 2017).
- Presented a research Paper entitled “Efficiency of RCH Programme, Using DEA: A Study of M. P.†in the International Geographical Union, Conference (Osmania University, Hyderabad, 17-19 March 2017).
- Presented a research Paper entitled “Dimension of Tribal fertility in Madhya Pradesh†in the National Seminar on “Scenario of Tribal Development in India: Problems & Prospects†Organized by Department of Geography, Government College Bichhua, Chhindwara (M.P.), 27th -28th March 2017.
- Presented a research Paper entitled “India’s Population: Increasing Number and Decreasing Rate†in the National Seminar on “Scenario of Tribal Development in India: Problems & Prospects†Organized by Department of Geography, Government College Bichhua, Chhindwara (M.P.), 27th -28th March 2017.
Life Member
- National Association of Geographer of India (NAGI), (Life Member).
- Indian National Cartographic Association (INCA, Hyderabad), (Life Member).
- Institute of India Geographers (IIG, Pune), (Life Member).
- Indian Association For Social Science And Health (IASSH), (Life Member).
- The Deccan Geographical Society, India (DGSI), (Life Member).
- International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), (Life Member).
- Association of Population Geographers of India (Life Member).
- Geographical Review of India, (GRI, Kolkata) (Life Member).
- Eastern Geographical Society (EGS, Odisha) (Life Member).
Annual Membership
- Indian statistical Institute (ISI, Kolkata), (Annual Member).
- Indian Association For The Study of population (IASP), (Annual Member).
Research Scholar (CSIR & UGC, SRF), under the supervision of Prof. R. P. Mishra, Department of General and Applied Geography, Dr. HariSingh Gour Central University Sagar, Madhya Pradesh.
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