India's Look/Act East Policy and the Northeast Region: A Critical Perspective

India's Look East Policy (LEP) signifies a strategic shift in its international political, economic, and military relationships. Regional integration of its Northeast Region (NER) with the countries in East, Southeast, and South Asia may potentially generate economic dividends to the region. However, there are formidable challenges in realising the potentials. The proposed infrastructure projects, if completed with no further delay, will go a long way in improving connectivity with the neighbouring countries. However, improving connectivity within the region and with the rest of the country is also very important. Further, it would require a comprehensive long-term plan with well-defined projects for developing industries and services including education, health and tourism. Building infrastructure, ensuring socio-political stability and ecological balance, and improving the quality of institutions would be a major part of this plan.
Look East Policy (LEP), Act East Policy (AEP), India's Northeast Region (NER)
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