Access to Water Supply among the Tea Pickers in Sylhet, Bangladesh

The study explores access to water supply system of tea pickers in six tea estates of Sylhet division of Bangladesh—Malnichhera, Lackaturah, Keramotnagor, Balishera, Kalagul and Rashidpur. Drawing upon a systematic set of semi-structured interviews and cross-sectional data collected randomly from 300 tea pickers, the study considers men and women’s access to (un)safe water by addressing their sources of both drinking and using water for daily usages and the distances from home to sources by including their concern about safe water and its related diseases.
Tea Pickers, Tea Gardens, Sustainable Water Management, Water Related Diseases, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Author Biography
Shushanta Acharjee
Former postgraduate student, Sociology
Shah Imran Ahmed
Postgraduate research student, Sociology
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