Measuring the Impulse Buying Behaviour of Consumers: Special Reference to Food and Beverages

Impulse buying is when buyers make unplanned purchases that sometimes leave them satisfied or dissatisfied. The present study surveyed 546 customers who purchased food and beverage brands to understand their buying behaviour in the state of Haryana, India. The study used a well-structured questionnaire, collected data via social media platforms, and drew inferences using frequency and descriptive analysis. The results reveal that most consumers tend to buy impulsively regarding food and beverage products. The findings further reveal that consumers make impulsive purchases based on specific choices, preferences, or attachments to brands without considering the brand’s features or other characteristics. Companies can use these inferences to understand the target market’s purchasing patterns and make informed decisions to boost sales. The study recommends that food and beverage companies adopt strategies to attract impulsive buyers based on demographic features and focus on packaging to attract consumers with different personality traits.
Consumers, Brands, Food and Beverages, Impulse Buying, Personality Traits, Haryana, India
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