In Search of Sustainable Alternatives: A Comparative Study of Gobindabhog and HYV Rice Cultivation in West Bengal: A Case Study of the State’s Rice Bowl

Rice plays a vital role in the socio-economic aspects of Purba Bardhaman district, West Bengal - the 'Rice Bowl’ of the State. The glorious past of this district is associated with several indigenous rice varieties and also the direct relation with the livelihood and social status of the farmers. However, after the Green Revolution in the 1960s, High Yielding Varieties (HYV) flourished rapidly at the cost of indigenous rice varieties. Later on, such aggression resulted in less return gradually and the need for another alteration is expected in the advent of the second Green Revolution for better prospects and profitable farming practices. This study tries to analyse the socio-economic viability and associated risk hazards of both Gobindabhog indigenous and HYV’s rice cultivation. In doing so, the study attempts to search for the alternative one in the contemporary crisis of agriculture taking into account the farmers' socio-economic issues of the study area. Respondents' interviews with a cross-sectional; multi-layered; semi-structured questionnaire and secondary data were used with both thematic narratives and quantitative techniques using IBM SPSS version 20.0 software to reflect the comparison with ground truth. It might be suggested that the cultivation and spreading of indigenous varieties accompanied with HYV’s would be a future solution for both farmers and environmental concerns.
Rice Bowl, Purba Bardhaman District, The Green Revolution, Gobindabhog Rice, HYV, Profitable Farming, Socio-Economic Viability, West Bengal, India
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