Achieving Millennium Development Goals and India Vision 2020: Evidences from slums of Varanasi City

The objective of this paper is to examine the achievements of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and India Vision 2020 in the context of the slums of Varanasi city. India has been facing the problem of growing urban poverty due to rapid urbanisation. According to the Census of India 2011, about 65 million people live in urban slums, which are overcrowded, polluted, unhygienic, and deprived of basic services. This paper compares the goals and targets of UN MDGs and India Vision 2020 with the status of the slum dwellers of Varanasi city. The study is based on primary data, which includes survey of 150 households of five different slums of Varanasi city. The study reveals that more than 70% people are illiterate, less than 35% of population access government health facilities, only 36% household use tap water, etc. This comparison portrays a pathetic picture of slums and the inabilities to achieve both MDGs and national goals.
Key words:MDGs, India Vision 2020, Slums, Poverty, Quality of life, Varanasi City, India
MDGs, India Vision 2020, Slums, Poverty, Quality of life, Varanasi City
Author Biography
Darshan Kumar Jha
Junior Research Fellow, Deptt of Geography, B.H.U., Varanasi-221005
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