Mapping the Applicability of Counselling In Educational Settings

Counselling is a purposeful understanding of a person so as to promote self-understanding in that person. There is an urgent need of introducing and strengthening the counselling service in the schools and colleges to meet the various needs of the students. Along with the intellectual development, proper motivation and clarification of goals and ideas to pupils in conformity with their basic potentialities and social tendencies are important for the total development of the student. Professional counsellors in educational settings ought to develop and deliver comprehensive counselling programme supporting and promoting student achievement, which should include a systematic and planned programme delivery involving all students and enhancing the learning process. This study is based on the review of secondary literature in an attempt to highlight the utmost relevance of counselling services in an educational setting.
counselling, educational settings, comprehensive perspective
Author Biography
Sabiha Alam Choudhury
Department of Psychology, Gauhati University, Ph.D. Research scholar.
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