Teaching during Covid-19: Teacher and Students’ Experience

On March 2020 most of the educational institutes in India stopped face to face contact with students as a result of countrywide lockdown which was imposed due to COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of the lockdown has affected the students and cast a shadow on the entire education system. Restrictions have led many universities and colleges to opt for online learning to curtail the spread of Coronavirus. To overcome lockdown, online education became the primary pathway amidst technological challenges. Teachers had possibly more to do than the students and those teachers who were technologically confronted had their limits tested. The students, on the other hand, had myriad challenges to face. The current study draws on the experiences of teachers and students to the introduction of the online learning method during the pandemic. Qualitative research methods were utilised to answer the research questions. The study recruited students in the age of 18-25 and teachers in the age of 35-60 years through social media platforms. Informed consent was obtained, and thereafter the respondents were interviewed via telephone (NAPSWI, 2015). The study additionally utilised and analysed open discussion content of the National Association of Professional Social Workers in India (NAPSWI) webinars relevant to online teaching and their experiences.
Teaching, COVID-19;, Technology, Lockdown, Online Classes, Student-Teacher Experiences, India
Author Biography
Ms. Irtifa Mukhter
Irtifa Mukhter, is a PhD scholar at School of Social Work, University of Delhi. She has completed her Masters from social work department, University of Kashmir. Author has also qualified both National and State Eligibility Test (NET/SET) in the subject of Social Work. Her research areas are Rural Development, Green Social Work (Socio-Economic and Environmental Implication of Solid and Liquid Waste Management) in rural Kashmir.
Dr. Richa Chowdhary
Dr Richa Chowdhary, is Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, the University of Delhi, India. Dr Richa lectures social work students. Her research areas are mental health, social psychology, drug and alcohol issues, ageing and homeless children. She has five text books to her credit in both Hindi and English language in the field of social psychology, psychology and psychological process, group work, drug and alcohol abuse and methods of social work. She has also contributed several book chapters and articles in national journals. She is an active member of the National Association of Professional Social Workers in Indi ( NAPSWI).
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