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Effect of COVID-19 on Students Studying in the Secondary and Higher Secondary Level


The novel Corona virus has been declared a pandemic due to its high transmissibility rate, influencing human life to its heights. It has affected the psychological and mental health of all people, including the functioning of various sectors. This study is based on a micro-level survey that discusses the pandemic's effect on 600 students pursuing education in secondary and higher secondary levels in Kolkata. The school students’ effect was analysed based on four parameters— school, home, a shift in the medium of education from offline to online, and the effect on the students’ future plans, aims, and ambition. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire, which was comprised of structured and semi-structured questions circulated online among the respondents. The respondents were asked to initially rank the indicators and the variables they considered the most critical cause affecting their studies. The respondents were then asked to rate the indicators on a five-point Likert scale to judge the degree of impact of the variables on the respondents.


COVID-19, Internet Connectivity, Practical Examinations, Digital Divide, Risk, Financial Problems, Secondary and Higher Secondary Levels, Kolkata, India



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